Research Strategy
Asthma, eczema and allergy are prevalent but poorly understood welfare diseases
The COPSAC study with its translational clinical research approach based on long-term studies of birth cohorts with deep phenotyping and exposure assessment, combined with genotyping and sequencing of the microbiome, insight into the genetic regulation of basic biological processes, and state-of-the-art systems biology methods holds the promise to improve our understanding of the processes causing disease in individual patients and the interaction between heredity and environment. Identification of the environmental factors that promote or protect against future disease raise realistic hope of prevention. This may provide the basis for the development of novel diagnostic tests, identification of molecular drug targets and the possibility of individualized treatment. This research program will eventually have significant effect on public health, as these diseases affect between one third to one fifth of all families in westernized countries.
Read more about the ‘COPSAC Vision’