EDIAQI – Evidence driven indoor air quality improvement
EDIAQI is a European funded research and innovation action under the Horizon Europe framework programme. The EDIAQI project will study indoor air pollution in European cities, using short-term, high-intensity measurements and long-term, large-scale monitoring. The project will aim to understand the sources, routes of exposure, and health effects of indoor air pollution. Find out more by visiting the project website: https://ediaqi.eu/
EDIAQI will pursue the following objectives:
- Validate user-friendly indoor air quality monitoring solutions and provide standardisedguidelines for interventions to improve indoor air quality.
- Collect data on and characterize the main sources of indoor air pollutants in indoor
- Investigate associations between Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and early-life diseases.
- Support policy-makers in reviewing indoor air quality standards and regulatory measures for control and monitoring.
- Provide science-based evidence for supporting the Zero-Pollution Action Plan of theEuropean Green Deal.
The goal of the project is to validate user-friendly Indoor Air Quality monitoring solutions,through a series of 4 pilots and 4 campaigns, that can help create a long-term Europe-wideknowledge base for risk factors associated with known and emerging indoor air pollutants.The project will collect data on and characterize the main sources, routes of exposure anddispersion of chemical, biological, and emerging indoor air pollutants. The EDIAQI team willalso investigate associations between indoor air quality and early-life disease.
The evidence provided will help support relevant stakeholders to develop standardizedguidelines for interventions to improve Indoor Air Quality policymakers in reviewing standards and supporting measures for regulation, control and monitoring.
IMPACT: EDIAQI will create healthier, more inclusive and safer living environments in European cities and regions. It will do this by helping to create a unified, large-scale, and long-term indoor pollution monitoring strategy, involving transdisciplinary research approaches, big-data, and interoperability.
PARTNERS: The EDIAQI project brings together 18 organisations, from 11 differentEuropean countries, providing a mix of interdisciplinary skills and expertise in different fields including environmental science and technology, medicine and toxicology, as well as policy design and public engagement.