EAGLE Consortium
The EArly Genetics and Lifecourse Epidemiology (EAGLE) Consortium is a consortium of pregnancy and birth cohorts that aims to collaborate to investigate the genetic basis of phenotypes in antenatal and early life and childhood.
EAGLE covers a broad range of pathways and phenotypes, and will integrate closely with the DOHaD (developmental origins of health and disease) community.
All participating cohorts (1958 British Birth Cohort; ALSPAC; CHOP; COPSAC; DBC; Exeter Family Study; Generation R; HBCS; LISA+; MoBa; NTR; NFBC 66; Project Viva; Raine) have GWAS data available by July 1st 2009.
EAGLE working groups and leaders are listed below
- Antenatal Growth (Vincent Jaddoe and Craig Pennell)
- Asthma, Allergy and Atopy (Hans Bisgaard, Klaus Bonnelykke and Joachim Heinrich)
- Behaviour and Cognition (Camilla Stoltenberg and Henning Tiemeier)
- Birth Biometry (Inga Prokopenko and Mark McCarthy)
- Blood Pressure (Becky Webster)
- Bone Health (Fernando Rivadeneira and Nic Timpson)
- Cardiovascular Risk Factors (Lyle Palmer and Vincent Jaddoe)
- Insulin and Metabolic Syndrome (Inga Prokopenko, Mark McCarthy and Tim Frayling)
- Postnatal Growth (Mark McCarthy, Tim Frayling and Marjo Ritta Jarvelin)
- Puberty (Elisabeth Widen and Marjo Ritta Jarvelin)